Friday, November 20, 2009

Response to Political Musings' "Yes times are changing"

In response to this colleague's post, I feel that the writer touched on some very crucial aspects of President Obama's term thus far. Yes, many Americans pose the question of where exactly this change is being directed. However, the changes that President Obama brought to America's greatest attention were the large issues that require attention. Not only do they require attention, they require action immediately. Universal healthcare is a quickly growing issue in the country. During Obama's campaign, he pushed that this would be at the center of his priorities. Can we now say that he was speaking truthfully? I think not. Sure, Obama has displayed many committments to peacemaking within and outside of our nation. However, his promises are going unfulfilled. When you consider the magnitude of the issues he is attempting to handle at once, some issues should clearly take precedence over others. For instance, the fact that millions in America are without proper healthcare is devastating. And yet, he chooses to aid smaller amounts of people with relieveing prisoners in Guatanamo Bay. Don't get me wrong; this relief was necessary. But how about aiding those who voted you into the office because of your promises, Mr. Obama? I agree with the last statement of this writer's post. I'm all for being with Mr. Obama just as long as he starts filling his promises with a little gusto!

To read the article to which I responsed, click below:

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